2. Environmental risks
Syllabus Link: How global interactions create environmental risks for particular places and people
Transboundary Pollution


Group task: Mystery - Who killed Albert Ross?

The Global Shift of Industry

Activity: Sorting reasons for relocation
Article: World must share the blame for industrial pollution
Article: Why do TNCs move their polluting industries?
Case Study: Citarum River

Facts: 10 facts about the fast fashion industry
Reading: Fast fashion is the 2nd deadliest industry in the world
Read & Act: Greenpeace - Detox the Citarum
Reading: The death of the Citarum river
Photostory: Worse for wear - Indonesia's textile boom
Campaign: Greenpeace - Fashion detox
Reading: Fast fashion is the 2nd deadliest industry in the world
Read & Act: Greenpeace - Detox the Citarum
Reading: The death of the Citarum river
Photostory: Worse for wear - Indonesia's textile boom
Campaign: Greenpeace - Fashion detox
Environmental Impact of Food production Systems

Article: What is agribusiness?
Activity: Agribusiness has issues - Sort it out
Nat Geo: The future of food
Environmental Impacts of Global Flows
Carbon Footprints

Article: CO2 emissions being outsourced
Article: What is a carbon footprint?
Activity: Calculate your carbon footprint
Resources: Carbon footprint articles
Calculator: Carbon footprint of food
Article: Why worrying about food miles is missing the point
Article: What is a carbon footprint?
Activity: Calculate your carbon footprint
Resources: Carbon footprint articles
Calculator: Carbon footprint of food
Article: Why worrying about food miles is missing the point
Localized Pollution

Explore: Real Time Air Quality Global Map
Article: Global air pollution kills 9 million people per year
Article: Air pollution links people thousands of miles away
Article: A dark cloud of filth clouds world cities
Article: Global air pollution kills 9 million people per year
Article: Air pollution links people thousands of miles away
Article: A dark cloud of filth clouds world cities

Activity: Sources to global sources sorting
Wiki: Environmental impacts of shipping
Article: Greenpeace - marine problems in shipping
Article: Health risks of global shipping have been over estimated

Bangkok Air Pollution Case Study
Case Study: Bangkok air pollution crisis case study
Article: Let's nail down smog causes
Article: Bangkok air hits code red
Article: Bad air days are no laughing matter
Article: Air pollution to extract a heavy price
Case Study: Bangkok air pollution crisis case study
Article: Let's nail down smog causes
Article: Bangkok air hits code red
Article: Bad air days are no laughing matter
Article: Air pollution to extract a heavy price