2. Consequences of global climate change
Syllabus Outline: The effects of global climate change on places, societies and environmental systems
Impacts on the Natural Environment

Visualization: Climate time machine
Article: Climate and economic risks threaten global collapse
Article: Earth's climate monster unleashed
Article: Portrait of a planet in crisis
Article: The end of the arctic
Climate Change & the Hydrosphere
Impacts on People and Places

Article: Climate change will make the next financial crisis worse
Article: Climate change could make cities 8 degrees warmer
Article: Climate change will impact both rich and poor
Article: Ticks are the next global health threat
Health Impacts
Migration Impacts

Story map: Climate refugees
Infographics: Climate change and migration
Article: Climate breakdown will make migrant crisis look like a tea party
Infographic: Preparing for internal climate migration

Webpage: Social impacts of sea level rise
Website: Kiribati climate change website
Reading: Kiribati migration with dignity strategy
Impacts on Transport Routes