3. Hazard Risk and Vulnerability
Volcanic Hazard Case Studies
Eyjafjallajökull, Iceland 2010
Volcan de Fuego, Guatemala, 2018
Reading: The 2018 Eruption of Volcan de Fuego
Briefing: Relief web Briefing on the Eruption
Article: BBC - Emergency agency failed to heed warnings
Website: World Vision FAQs
Briefing: Relief web Briefing on the Eruption
Article: BBC - Emergency agency failed to heed warnings
Website: World Vision FAQs
Earthquake Case Studies
Christchurch Earthquake 2011
Wiki: Christchurch Earthquake
Reading: Textbook summary
Reading: Geofile - The Chistchurch Quake 2011
Dynamic Map: Christchurch Earthquake map and log
Website: Internet Geography - Christchurch Quake
Reading: Textbook summary
Reading: Geofile - The Chistchurch Quake 2011
Dynamic Map: Christchurch Earthquake map and log
Website: Internet Geography - Christchurch Quake
Haiti Earthquake 2010
Wiki: The Haiti Earthquake
Reading: Haiti Earthquake 2010
Reading: Geofile - Haiti Earthquake
Article: Why is Haiti so vulnerable to natural disasters?
Activity: Haiti 3Rs sorting
Reading: Haiti Earthquake 2010
Reading: Geofile - Haiti Earthquake
Article: Why is Haiti so vulnerable to natural disasters?
Activity: Haiti 3Rs sorting
Land Slide Case Studies
Document: Mass movement case studies
Sierra Leone Landslide 2017
Reading: Freetown landslide lessons
Reading: Al Jazeera - What, where and why
Reading: A preventable disaster
Reading: Al Jazeera - What, where and why
Reading: A preventable disaster
Oso, USA 2014
Reading: Oso landslide reading
Video: Oso landslide case study
Article: So many people yelling for help
Article: Oso neighborhood should never have been built
Video: Oso landslide case study
Article: So many people yelling for help
Article: Oso neighborhood should never have been built