1. Ocean–Atmosphere Interactions
Syllabus Link: How physical processes link Earth’s atmospheric and ocean systems
Ocean Currents
The operation of ocean currents, including their distribution, nutrient and energy transfers and the importance of oceanic conveyor belts
Surface Currents

Deepwater Currents
Atmosphere–oceanic interactions
Atmosphere–oceanic interactions associated with El Niño–Southern Oscillation (ENSO) and La Niña cycles and their climatic, environmental and economic effects
- Detailed examples of the geographic impacts of El Niño and La Niña

Worksheet: ENSO Cycles & their impacts
Notes: El Nino & La Nina
PDF: Geofile - El Nino & La Nina
Animation: Local & global impacts
Links: Guardian articles on El Nino & La Nina
Notes: El Nino & La Nina
PDF: Geofile - El Nino & La Nina
Animation: Local & global impacts
Links: Guardian articles on El Nino & La Nina
Hurricanes and Coastal Margins
The formation, distribution and physical impacts of hurricanes on coastal margins, including storm surge

Worksheet: Hurricane formation and impacts
Article: Vox step by step guide to hurricanes
Reading: Geofacts - The making of a hurricane
Extension: Game - Stop disasters hurricane simulation
Article: Are hurricanes getting stonger?
Case Study: Typhoon Haiyan
- Case study of one hurricane and its impacts on coastal places and people

Case Study: Typhoon Haiyan case study sheet
Article: How typhoon Haiyan was formed
Quizet: Typhoon Haiyan impacts
Website: Bitesized: Typhoon Haiyan impacts
Carbon and Ocean Acidification
The changing role of oceans as a store and source of carbon dioxide (CO2) and the impacts of ocean acidification on coral reefs

Article: The oceans carbon cycle
Reading: What is ocean acidification and the carbon cycle?
Article: Rising temperatures curb oceans carbon storing ability
Quiz: Carbon cycle quiz