Geographic Themes - the Optional Papers
Units of Study
Option B: Oceans & Coastal Margins
Option D: Geophysical Hazards
Option E: Leisure, Tourism & Sport
Option G: Urban Environments
Option D: Geophysical Hazards
Option E: Leisure, Tourism & Sport
Option G: Urban Environments
The geographic themes allow us to diversify our exploration of Geography and choose options that are relevant to each school. There are seven optional themes and at NIST we will study three of these themes, our choices are highlighted above. Each theme will involve approximately 30 hours of study.
Assessment |
The optional themes are assessed in paper one in a combination of short and long answer questions. HL students will have to answer all 3 options in an exam of 2 1/4 hours duration.It is marked out of 60 marks and is worth 35% of their final grade. SL students will have to answer 2 options (so have choice as they study 3 options) in an exam of 1 1/2 hours duration. The SL exam is marked out of 40 marks and is worth 35% of the final grade.