Leisure, tourism, sport homepage
4. Managing tourism and sport for the
Syllabus Link: Future possibilities for management of, and participation in,
tourism and sport at varying scales
Consequences of Un-Sustainable Tourist Growth
The consequences of unsustainable touristic growth in rural and urban tourism hotspots, including the concept of carrying capacity and possible management options to increase site resilience
Global Over-tourism Map & Case Studies
Activity: Unsustainable tourism investigations
Article: Can tourism ever be made sustainable?
Resources: Unsustainable tourism examples
Sustainable Tourism
The concept of sustainable tourism, including the growth of ecotourism
Case Study: Sustainable Tourism is New Zealand
Article: Sustainable tourism and ecotourism in New Zealand
Website: New Zealand sustainable tourism site
Summary: New Zealand sustainable tourism strategy summary
Article: Sustainable tourism and ecotourism in New Zealand
Website: New Zealand sustainable tourism site
Summary: New Zealand sustainable tourism strategy summary
Ecotourism Case Study
Activity: Ecotourism introduction - reading and questions
Website: What is ecotourism?
Article: They come, they photograph, but they don't help
Article: Massive growth of ecotourism worries biologists
Website: Eco tourism pros and cons
Website: What is ecotourism?
Article: They come, they photograph, but they don't help
Article: Massive growth of ecotourism worries biologists
Website: Eco tourism pros and cons
Raja Ampat: Ecotourism Case Study
Activity: Raja Ampat ecotourism notes
Reading: Raja Ampat ecotourism
Article: Raja Ampat - A model of sustainable tourism?
Website: Raja Ampat biodiversity resort
Tourism Management Strategies
Factors Influencing Future International Tourism
Factors influencing future international tourism, including greater use of social media, international security and diaspora growth
Activity: Factors influencing future international tourism
Website: The future of tourism (from geographycasestudysite)
Briefing: World tourism council - Embracing the challenges
Article: Diaspora tourism
Reading: International security and it's impact on tourism
Briefing: Tech trends and the future of travel
Reading: Chinese tourists of all sorts are becoming ubiquitous
Website: The future of tourism (from geographycasestudysite)
Briefing: World tourism council - Embracing the challenges
Article: Diaspora tourism
Reading: International security and it's impact on tourism
Briefing: Tech trends and the future of travel
Reading: Chinese tourists of all sorts are becoming ubiquitous
Political & Cultural Influences on International Sport
The growing importance of political and cultural influences on international sport participation, including international agreements, inclusion via changing gender roles and the growing importance of the Paralympics