Geographic Skills
Geographic skills are essential to the study of geography and reflect the subject’s distinctive methodology and approach. Teaching and learning these skills enriches the students’ understanding of geography and enables them to apply and use appropriate techniques and terminology. It is essential that the skills should be covered throughout the whole syllabus and that they are introduced and integrated where appropriate, depending on the context, in the different themes and the SL/HL core and HL extension. It is essential that the skills should be all taught at some stage of the course and are not treated in isolation.
Students are expected to demonstrate competence in the use of geographic skills in examination papers and internal assessment as appropriate. Those skills indicated below in italics are not assessed in the externally assessed examination papers. It is recognized that the ability to use GIS as a tool is a valuable geographic skill that goes beyond many of those listed below. Where GIS is accessible and practical, its use is encouraged.
Geographic skills are essential to the study of geography and reflect the subject’s distinctive methodology and approach. Teaching and learning these skills enriches the students’ understanding of geography and enables them to apply and use appropriate techniques and terminology. It is essential that the skills should be covered throughout the whole syllabus and that they are introduced and integrated where appropriate, depending on the context, in the different themes and the SL/HL core and HL extension. It is essential that the skills should be all taught at some stage of the course and are not treated in isolation.
Students are expected to demonstrate competence in the use of geographic skills in examination papers and internal assessment as appropriate. Those skills indicated below in italics are not assessed in the externally assessed examination papers. It is recognized that the ability to use GIS as a tool is a valuable geographic skill that goes beyond many of those listed below. Where GIS is accessible and practical, its use is encouraged.
Skills Videos
Annotated maps and diagrams |
IB Geography Skills examples
Locate and differentiate elements of the Earth’s surface
Interpret, analyse and, when appropriate, construct tables, graphs, diagrams, cartographic material and images
All kinds of maps, including:
Undertake statistical calculations to show patterns and summarize information
Such as:
Research, process and interpret data and information
Types of data and information:
Collect and select relevant geographic information
Evaluate sources of geographic information
In terms of:
Produce written material (including essays, reports and investigations)
- direction
- latitude
- longitude
- grid references and area references
- scale
- political units.
Interpret, analyse and, when appropriate, construct tables, graphs, diagrams, cartographic material and images
All kinds of maps, including:
- isoline and isopleth maps
- choropleth maps
- topological maps
- dot maps
- flow maps
- thematic maps (including mental maps)
- topographic maps
- proportional symbols
- aerial photographs
- ground‑level photographs
- satellite images
- graphs, including scatter, line, bar, compound, triangular, logarithmic, bipolar graphs
- pie charts
- flow diagrams/charts
- population pyramids
- Lorenz curves
- cross‑profiles (sections)
- rose diagrams
- development diamonds.
Undertake statistical calculations to show patterns and summarize information
Such as:
- totals
- averages (means, medians, modes)
- frequencies
- ranges of data (differences between maximum and minimum)
- densities
- percentages
- ratios.
Research, process and interpret data and information
Types of data and information:
- measures of correlation (including Spearman rank and chi‑squared)
- measures of concentration and dispersion (including nearest neighbour and location quotients)
- measures of spatial interactions
- measures of diversity
- indices and ratios (including Gini coefficient, ecological footprint, Human Development Index (HDI), dependency ratio)
- textual information
- observations
- opinions, values and perceptions.
- classify data and information
- analyse data and information
- describe patterns, trends and relationships
- make generalizations and identify anomalies
- make inferences and predictions
- make and justify decisions
- draw conclusions
- evaluate methodology.
Collect and select relevant geographic information
- observations, including field sketches and sketch maps
- images.
- interviews.
- measurements.
Evaluate sources of geographic information
In terms of:
- accuracy
- relevance
- bias.
Produce written material (including essays, reports and investigations)
- material in a clear and well‑structured way.
- appropriately to command terms.